Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My first crazy American friend

Living in America for about 2 years, I've been making friends with some Americans. But never ever I've met anyone like him - my 1st crazy American friend!!

When I moved in with Andy, I was still a little strange and confused with everything and everyone around me, especially with the language. And I met Micah - the CNU's student of Physics - the roommate that always use so much complicated and new words for me!! For about 2-3 first months, I didn't get it every time he and Andy talked (actually now I still don't understand them sometime >"<). But that caused me the scare of talking with him because I didn't wanna ask him to repeat too much, and even when he repeated, I still don't know those words! Thus, I was hiding in my room almost the time. But then, there is the thing bring us closer to each other - that is cooking!!

I just couldn't eat American food at all. They use cheese in every of their product or they eat cheese with everything they could, even soup or fruit.... That was such a crazy thing with me ( still now though :P). So I've gotta cooking Vietnamese food every night. And there is a thing about American, you should know, they eat out a lot, or at least buy fast food a lot. There aren't a lot of single Americans cooking at home. So it was so weird of this guy that he not only cooked at home but also made his own bread from scratch. And I have to tell, he rocks his bread!! :) Oh My God, I've loved Micah's bread (even though I still think Vietnamese bread is better).

One of Micah's home-made bread
One of my favorite named Challah
I sure couldn't miss the chance to learn some new techniques of cooking and how cool it is to learn how to bake American bread from an American!! And that just happened, we tried to making bread every week. He taught me to make pizza, bagel, Italian bread, white bread.... and in return, I taught him some Vietnamese food such as stir-fried vegetable, egg rolls...
My first yummy pizza
My first Italian bread
And not only ridiculous about cooking habit, but also about the life style!! >_< He lives a ridiculous healthy lifestyle - he eats healthy things, low calories or better food product..., he doesn't like coffee >"<; he goes to the gym everyday, he loves juggling, he doesn't like bar or club, he sticks with his computer more than with his girlfriend, and he is completely 100% a NERD!!! He is cool though! Cool and Crazy!

Beside being a crazy friend, he is such a good and funny friend to hang around with. He is really patient with my horrible English at the beginning and helped me fixing it sometime, or found some website for me learning English. He helped to edit all my writing or resume or whatever I asked him for. We also have some thing in common. We both love Friends (an old comic show). We both love cooking. We both had too much free time to stay around in the house ( actually only on that time). And we both are crazy ( even in different ways)! ;)

So beginning this blog is one of his idea, to help me improve my English writing and he will have more chance to embarrass me with my English >_<. So don't be surprise if you guys see some nasty comments about what I need to fix in my sentences from the comment section ( and he's an perfectionist too :P) But that's the reason I begin this blog, I will try my best to not make any mistake. Also in the other hand, I still want Micah could find out some mistake and fix it, so you guys also can learn from my mistake. :> And in some ways, I need to write down and keep the memory about this wonderful time of my life - such a huge change and overwhelmed emotion - that I would not wanna forget ( because sometime my brain just drops the thing.... )

So, welcome to my blog and hope we will stick around long... :)))


  1. Love it, Tiny!!!!
    I'm planning practice my English writting as well though it's very time-consuming compare to VN. I will try as what you do now :)

    Hands up for what your 1st English blog

  2. So what did you do to practice your English writing, sweetie?!! Show me some of your practicing!! :)

  3. Hi Tu!
    Sounds like a pretty cool guy. I posted corrections here, because there are restrictions on what you can put in the comments.

  4. BAD BOY!!! Your fixed version of my blog makes me laugh so hard!! >_< But it's good though. I'll try to fix all of those bad habits that you point out, please go ahead and correct all others.

    I have a question, when I say "I've been making friends with some Americans" I want to mention that I've done it and still doing it, why you dont agree?
    I dont understand the different between "sometimes" and "sometime", with me they both mean occasional time!!
    I agree I was careless at using the singular form anf plural form. I'll check it more carefully, thanks.
    In my dictionary, it says "scare" can be noun and adj too, not only one, so I dont think I was wrong to use "caused me the scare"
    And I think say "wanna" is cooler than "want to", it doesn't mean I dont know wanna is want to :P

    Anyways, thanks, you are such a strict teacher, you fix every single little thing >_<
