He kept saying thanks to me for giving him such a beautiful, perfect, sweet little baby. Thanks me for giving him such a big gift, most beautiful moment n most precious thing in his life. He showed his love to the baby n to me. He paid all of his attention and time to me and the baby. He made me feel safe, calm and be loved.
When I saw him carry the baby, hug her with all of his caution n loving arm, I just feel like falling in love with him all over again. Or when he hold her to calm her down, changed diaper for her, or when he hold my hand to help me to go the restroom, hug me to release me from being stress; I saw in him such a big, sweet, warm-hearted and most caring husband ever.
Even when we got back home, he and I took turn to get up in the middle of the night to take care of the baby's need. He cooked and brought food to my bed to make sure I'm well-fed to feed the baby. He wanted me to rest, to sleep, to not worry about anything else. He changed baby's diaper, put her to sleep, played with her to let me take my time n rest. I really don't need anything else better than that.
I feel like I'm showering in love, care, n happiness. There will be nothing else in the world I would want more than this precious, happy little family of mine.